
Welcome to a transformative learning journey! Python stands as one of the most versatile and powerful languages in the programming universe. Through this meticulously designed course, embark on an immersive exploration into Python's core features and its indispensable role in AI and ML.

Python's Prowess in the AI and ML Domain:

  • Versatility: Harness Python's extensive libraries for varied tasks, from NLP to data analysis, crafting sophisticated AI systems.

  • Robust Libraries & Frameworks: Delve into Python's treasure trove of AI-centric libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit-learn, streamlining the development and application of cutting-edge AI models.

  • Elegant Syntax & Collaboration: Python's clean, readable syntax ensures smooth collaboration, promoting consistent updates and integrations in AI projects.

  • Swift Prototyping: Leverage Python's rapid prototyping capabilities, epitomized by tools like Jupyter notebooks, for swift AI model experimentation and refinement.

  • Big Data Support: Exploit powerful libraries such as pandas and Numpy for adept handling and data analysis, crucial for AI and ML applications.

  • AI-Centric Tools: Explore Python's vast range of AI-dedicated tools like NLTK (for NLP) and OpenCV (for computer vision) to enhance AI application development.

Embracing Python for AI translates to wielding a potent toolset for AI-centric solutions. Its unparalleled flexibility and resource-rich ecosystem make AI and ML development a seamless endeavor.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Grasp intricate data structures: linked lists (single, double, circular), graphs, stacks, and queues.

  • Unearth the mysteries of Python's classes, data encapsulation, and exception handling, pinpointing their optimal use-cases.

  • Master iterators, generators, and advanced Python techniques for robust code optimization.

  • Dive deep into data management: fetching, cleaning, and manipulating data efficiently.

  • Gain insights into concurrent object-oriented programming in Python, design patterns, and their unique implementation.

  • Thoroughly understand Python library functions, objects, classes, and inheritance paradigms.

  • Implement effective object-oriented practices through Python classes and methods.

  • Delve into foundational coding principles using advanced data structures and control flows.

By the culmination of this course, you'll not only possess a profound grasp over the Python language but also be adept in crafting websites, programs, and harnessing Python's acclaimed data science libraries for unparalleled data work.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. Getting started with python

    2. Getting started: Writing a Project with Python and Debugging

    3. Getting started: Writing a Project - Python Mortgage Calculator

    4. Getting started: Writing a Project - Formatted Input/Output

    5. Getting started: Python Text Processing and Reading Files

    6. Getting started: Understanding Python Functions

    7. Getting started: Designing and Writing Functions in Python - 1

    8. Getting started: Designing and Writing Functions in Python - 2

    9. Getting started: Learn About Python Data Structures - 1

    10. Getting started: Learn About Python Data Structures - 2

    11. Getting started: Learn How to Manipulate Data in Python - 1

    12. Getting started: Learn How to Manipulate Data in Python - 2

    13. Section Outro

    1. Python Import Statement and Module - 1

    2. Python Import Statement and Module - 2

    3. Python - Learn How to Write Powerful CSV Parser

    4. Python - Learn How to Make a Package

    5. Python - Learn About Classes

    6. Python - Learn About Attribute Access

    7. Python - Learn About Some Advanced Topics

    8. Python - Learn About Inheritance Basics

    9. Python - Writing a Project using Inheritance

    10. Python - Learn Some More Advanced

    11. Python - Learn How to Program More Defensive

    12. Section Summary

    1. OOP - Learn How to Create a Container Object

    2. OOP - Learn How to Create a Context Manager

    3. OOP - Encapsulation in Python

    4. OOP - Learn How to Manage Attributes - 1

    5. OOP - Learn How to Manage Attributes - 2

    6. OOP - Learn How to Manage Attributes - 3

    7. OOP - Learn How to Manage Attributes - 4

    8. OOP - Learn About Proxies and Wrappers

    9. OOP - Learn How to Use Python Functions

    1. Introduction

    2. Advanced Techniques: Learn About Decorators - 1

    3. Advanced Techniques: Learn About Decorators - 2

    4. Advanced Techniques: Understanding Decorators with Arguments

    5. Advanced Techniques: Learn About Python Class Decorators

    6. Advanced Techniques: Learning Python Types and Metaclasses

    7. Writing a Project - Learn How to Track Subclasses

    8. Advanced Techniques: Using Metaclasses to Fill in Details

    9. Advanced Techniques: Learn About Iterators and Generators

    10. Advanced Techniques: Writing a Project with Generator Function

    11. Advanced Techniques: Learn How to Process Pipelines and Workflows

    12. Advanced Techniques: Learn About Coroutines

    13. Advanced Techniques: Writing a Project with Coroutines

    14. Learn More About Coroutines - 1

    15. Learn More About Coroutines - 2

    1. Summary

About this course

  • $10.99
  • 51 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today


  • Who is this course designed for?

    This course is tailored for both beginners curious about Python and AI, as well as professionals keen to upscale their programming and AI knowledge.

  • Do I need any prior programming experience to enroll?

    While prior experience might be beneficial, it isn't mandatory. The course has been structured to guide learners from fundamental concepts to advanced applications.

  • What if I have questions during the course?

    We value active learning! We have a dedicated forum and regular Q&A sessions. Plus, our instructors are always available to address any course-related queries.